Sunday, September 26, 2010

Are you sending your body mixed messages when you are training?

When training for a specific sport, one must consider the type of energy required for maximum performance in their chosen activity. Some sports require more anaerobic energy, like tennis, and others require more aerobic energy, like long distance running.
Why then, do we train for higher percentage anaerobic sports by running long distances?
This makes no sense! If you train improperly for your chosen sport, you end up de-conditioning the body for the very sport with which you were trying to enhance performance. Instead, there needs to be careful attention on training in the anaerobic zone for these type of activities.
With sports like tennis which require 70% of your anaerobic energy and football which require 90% of your anaerobic energy, you should have a strong foundation of strength and stability and then have a sound conditioning program based on improving power.
Practicing a sound weight lifting program, based on your individual needs, is an excellent way to enhance stability, strength and power in any sport. When it comes to exercise, your ability level and your training age (this depends on the number of years you've been consecutively training without getting sick or the length of time between sessions) determine whether you start out in the stability, strength, or power phase.
You never want to start with the strength and power phase until you've established a sound foundation of stability, especially if you have some kind of pre-existing injury or postural imbalance. These should all be corrected first before you move on to the strength and power phase. If not corrected, you'll most likely end up injured.
Once you've established a strong foundation you can then move on to developing your six movement patterns. These movements include the squat, lung, bend, push, pull and twist. When putting together your program you must include all of these movement patterns, especially if your sport requires it. This is where hiring an experienced practitioner comes in handy.
For more information or help on planning an individualized program for you, please contact Allison Pelot at

Contact Allison Pelot to schedule your free consultation

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Top 5 Tips for Healthy Digestion

1- How many chews does it take to liquefy your food? Always chew your food well and never swallow big chunks of food.

2- Always eat your biggest meals of the day earlier in the day since your digestion is strongest between 7am and 11am. As the day goes on your meals should get smaller with dinner being your smallest meal of the day.

3- Make sure you are sitting down and relaxed during your meals. If you are standing, watching TV or on the computer you can activate your sympathetic nervous system which is fight or flight. This can actually shut off your digestive system.

4- Pay attention to how you feel after each meal. If you feel tired you probably did not get the right combination/ratio of food at your meal or you didn't eat enough high quality nutrient dense foods.
If you have more energy after eating, you did good.

5- Try not to drink your water right before a meal, during or right after. This inhibits digestion as well as affects nutrient absorption.

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